Enjoy 2015 Waldos’ Special Ale in the South Bay

It is that time of the year for Waldos’ Special Ale from Lagunitas Brewing Company to make an appearance, and kegs will be arriving this week at over 40 South Bay spots to be tapped over the weekend. Many locations pouring Waldo will also feature the new 10-oz. Lagunitas mason jars.
Waldos’ Special Ale is the dankest and hoppiest offering from Lagunitas. Silicon Valley market manager – and South Bay native – Rudy Kuhn shares, “I got a sneak peak of it last week, and it tastes amazing! Coming in hot at 11.1%, it’s not ‘boozy.’ Just deliciously dank.”
San Jose beer mavens Harry’s Hofbrau, Original Gravity Public House and Good Karma Artisan Ales & Cafe will be hosting special events around the Waldo release, while many local bars and tap rooms will experience Waldo for the very first time this year.
The first keg of Waldo will be tapped at Harry’s this Thursday at 4:20pm. There will also be a number of other Lagunitas beers on tap, including Lagunitas Sucks, Daytime, High Westified Imperial Coffee Stout, Rye Cocoa Porter, Equinox, Cappucino Stout and more.
On Friday, again at 4:20pm, Original Gravity will pour Waldo, Pils, New Dogtown Pale, Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’, IPA, Lagunitas Sucks, Night Time, Undercover Investigation Shut-Down Ale, The Hairy Eyeball and Cappuccino Stout. The festivities will continue on Saturday at Original Gravity, with Equinox Pale Ale added to the mix as well as a firkin tapping of Mosaic Double Dry-Hopped New Dogtown at – you guessed it – 4:20pm.
Good Karma will be adding their own unique twists to the Waldo release this weekend. And look for the “Where’s Waldo finder” app on the Lagunitas website, where you will be able to see all the accounts that will be pouring it.
So who are the Waldos? Last year on April 20, Lagunitas created a video titled “Waldo Origin” to introduce the Waldos – the originators of 420 and friends of the brewery.
The following is what Kuhn shared on Facebook yesterday regarding the upcoming Waldo Weekend:
“What a crazy year it’s been. If you looked HIGH and low for some Waldo’s Special Ale last year and struck out, you weren’t alone. We still hadn’t opened up our new brewery in Chicago, and pints of your favorite 4/20 ale were hard to find. Well fast forward to today and Chicago is humming along, and Petaluma was able to pump out some extra kegs of Waldo this year.
“We will tap the first keg of Waldo 2015 at Harry’s Hofbrau San Jose this Thursday 4/16 at 4:20pm (why wait???), and then on Friday at 4:20pm the madness begins with simultaneous tappings of Waldo throughout all of Santa Clara County.
“Waldo will be introduced to some new friends this year and will be poured for the very first time in Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Milpitas, Campbell, Los Gatos and Mountain View. And of course you’ll also find it scattered around your favorite watering holes in San Jose, Santa Clara and Palo Alto.
“For those true treasure hunters who want to experience Waldo in its most natural South Bay setting, then come out to Original Gravity Public House and Good Karma Artisan Ales & Cafe this weekend. These bars always make Waldo feel at home with a bunch of other friends in the lineup from the Lagunitas Brewing Co. family of beers and get HIGH-ly excited about its 4/20-ish release date.
“Friday and Saturday at OG will be a Weekend at Waldo’s party featuring Chicago Dogs on the menu to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of our South Side Chicago Brew House brewing its first batch of IPA and will be tapping a firkin of DogTown double dry-hopped with Mosaic hops.
“And all weekend at Good Karma you can be sure to find some vegan munchie snacks, some of the stoniest tunes pumping through the speakers, and on Sunday there might just be a very special “pairing” of Waldo and some other stuff that looks like Hops.
“Puff, Puff, Pass….”
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