July 2012: Taking Inventory of the San Jose Area Craft Beer Establishments

The craft beer landscape in San Jose and the South Bay has changed dramatically since last December’s article on the prevailing sources for craft beer in the greater San Jose area.
And the list of craft beer-centric businesses that have just opened or are set to open this year continues to grow.
In downtown San Jose, the list includes Original Gravity Public House craft beer bar, ISO: Beers craft beer bar and tasting lounge, and Blackbird Tavern.
In Campbell, there is Liquid Bread gastropub.
In Mountain View, there are Jane’s Beer Store, South Bay’s first specialty beer store, and Steins Beer Garden + Restaurant.
Put simply, there are more South Bay businesses offering better beer. Please take a look at the top South Bay beer spots below, as well as a list of home brew clubs and shops and South Bay beer resources.
San Jose/South Bay/Greater South Bay Craft Beer Bars
This list is ever growing and put together by a couple of beer fans (yours truly and yours truly’s wife), and we know that there’s more exploration and learning to do. Everyone’s opinion is their own – it’s up to you to figure out which places earn your return visits. We’d be happy to know what you think and to know your favorite South Bay beer-related establishments – please comment below, email gratefulhubby@gmail.com, or send a tweet to @gratefulhubby.
- A Perfect Finish Wine Bar
San Jose: 408.288.6000
apfwinebar.com - BYR of Belgium
Campbell: 408.340.5549
byrofbelgium.com - Good Karma Vegan Cafe
San Jose: 408.294.2694
goodkarmavegancafe.com - Harry’s Hofbrau
San Jose: 408.243.0434
harryshofbrau.com - Jack’s Bar & Lounge
San Jose: 408.287.5225
jacksbarsanjose.com - Naglee Park Garage
San Jose: 408.286.1100
nagleeparkgarage.com - Original Gravity Public House
San Jose: originalgravitypub.com - Rootstock Wine Bar
Los Gatos: 408.354.7668
rootstocklg.com - O’Flaherty’s Irish Pub
San Jose: 408.947.8007
oflahertyspub.com - Poor House Bistro
San Jose: 408.292.5837
poorhousebistro.com - Rose & Crown Pub
Palo Alto: 650.327.7673
roseandcrownpa.com - San Pedro Square Market Bar
San Jose: sanpedrosquaremarket.com - SmokeEaters
San Jose: 408.293.9976
Cupertino: 408.255.2214
smoke-eaters.com - St. John’s Bar & Grill
Sunnyvale: 408.738.8515
stjohnsgrill.com - Teske Germania
San Jose: 408.292.0291
teskes-germania.com - Trials Pub
San Jose: 408.947.0497
trialspub.com - Wine Affairs
San Jose: 408.977.0111
thewineaffairs.com - Yard House
San Jose: 408.241-9273
San Jose/South Bay Breweries, Brewing Companies, Brewpubs, Tasting Rooms
A great quality for good beer is its freshness, and you can’t get any fresher than beer that’s brewed locally.
- BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse
Cupertino: 408.865.6970
San Jose: 408.284.4260
bjsrestaurants.com - Campbell Brewing Company (inside the Sonoma Chicken Coop)
Campbell: 408.866.2699 - El Toro Brewing Company & Brewpub
Morgan Hill: 408.782.2739
eltorobrewing.com - Faultline Brewing Company Restaurant
Sunnyvale: 408.736.2739
faultlinebrewing.com - FireHouse Grill & Brewery
Sunnyvale: 408.773.9500
firehousegrill.com - Gordon Biersch Restaurant & Brewery
San Jose: 408.294.6785
Palo Alto: 650.323.7723
gordonbiersch.com - Gordon Biersch Brewing Company
San Jose: 408.278.1008
gordonbiersch.com - Hermitage Brewing Company
San Jose: 408.291.0966
hermitagebrewing.com - Los Gatos Brewing Company
Los Gatos: 408.395.9929
San Jose: 408.292.9928
lgbrewinco.com - Palo Alto Brewing Company
paloaltobrewing.com - Rabbit’s Foot Meadery & Tasting Room
Sunnyvale: 408.747.0770
rabbitsfootmeadery.com - Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery
Campbell: 408.377.0707
rockbottom.com - Strike Brewing Company
South Bay: 650.714.6983
strikebrewingco.com - Tied House Brewery & Cafe
Mountain View: 650.965.2739
San Jose/South Bay Craft Beer Stores and Bottle Shops
- Artisan Wine Depot
Mountain View location 1: 650.969.3511
Mountain View location 2: 650.917.8080
artisanwinedepot.com - Bobby’s Liquors
Santa Clara: 408.984.1120
bobbysliquors.com - Boynton Liquors
San Jose: 408.296.6669
site.boyntonliquors.com - Cask & Flask Liquors
San Jose: 408.371.0403 - Jane’s Beer Store
Mountain View: 650.440.5263
janesbeerstore.com - Kelly’s Liquors
San Jose: 408.297.4411
worldfamouskellysliquors.com - Maplewood Liquors
San Jose: 408.377.9356 - Your local BevMo! and Whole Foods stores
South Bay Restaurants that Feature Beer Dinners
- California Café
Palo Alto: 650.325.2233
Los Gatos: 408.354.8118
californiacafe.com - Restaurant James Randall
Los Gatos: 408.395.4441
South Bay homebrew clubs
- Silicon Valley Sudzers
sudzers.org - The Grain Trust
thegraintrust.com - Worts of Wisdom
South Bay homebrew shops
- Beer and Wine Makers of America
San Jose: 408.441.0880
beerandwinemakers.com - Fermentation Solutions
Campbell: 408.871.1400
fermentationsettlement.com - MoreBeer!
Los Altos: 800.600.0033
South Bay Beer Resources
- San Jose Craft Beer Examiner – Yours truly <ahem>
- BetterBeerBlog – Premier South Bay beer blog
- The Beer Heads – South Bay’s own beertubers
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