Looking Forward to 2012 in the San Jose Area Craft Beer Scene

The craft beer industry is relatively young, and various craft beer communities have emerged and continue to emerge, including the growing San Jose and South Bay craft beer communities.
There is nothing better than sharing beer experiences with fellow better beer enthusiasts. On the flip side but related, it is exciting to be able to play a role in successfully introducing good beer to someone who is overall new to the craft beer world. Those able to responsibly appreciate good beer are fortunate folks.
With the arrival of a new year just around the corner, it is time to establish resolutions for 2012. Fortunately, these resolutions are realistic ones in that they’re clear and straightfoward, and perhaps more importantly, reflect a labor of interest and passion.
- Continue to explore the San Jose area craft beer scene by visiting the compelling craft beer establishments in San Jose and the South Bay.
- Help document and publicize San Jose area craft beer news, events, and related items.
- Publish posts and articles on a timely basis, with a goal of at least two posts per week.
Best wishes for a happy New Year.
Cheers! Prost! Gunbae!
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